Scorpio New Moon - Regenerate and Strengthen Your Inner Power
Friday, November 1, 2024, 8:47am EDT
New Moon collage by Emily
“Once you learn the truth about the interaction of your conscious and subconscious minds, you will be able to transform your whole life.” - Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
We’re in the midst of one of the most volatile weeks of the year – are you feeling it?? Mars and Pluto, the traditional and modern rulers of Scorpio, are in opposition, the aspect of maximum tension. The opposition will peak (be exact) on November 3rd, but it’s already active, and will be full-on at Friday’s New Moon in Scorpio.
Mars-Pluto stirs up fears and frustrations, anger and old resentments, feelings that have been repressed or hidden and are now being forced into awareness. “Cathartic release” is the theme – purging what needs to be shed in order to break through to another level of owning your power and living your destiny.
While guilt, judgment and regret may arise, the best way forward is compassion, acceptance and forgiveness – toward yourself and whoever you feel has wronged you. With Mars in Cancer, relationships with family members are especially highlighted, and childhood wounding may be living large, ripe for healing.
Mars and Pluto are all about POWER. Mars signifies your personal power, your will and the I AM, while Pluto represents the greater force that comes through you when you surrender control and align with the flow of Life. While their opposition can trigger the potential for power struggles and extreme polarization, this Mars-Pluto-ruled New Moon ultimately wants to activate your INNER power.
Scorpio, the watery, internal expression of Mars, rules the subconscious, which is said to be a million times more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious is the part of you that runs the show of your life from behind the scenes, the part that was programmed by your family and society from day one – and the part that can be RE-programmed if you know how to work with it. (See: Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind)
At the New Moon, in addition to the ass-kicking Mars-Pluto opposition, Mars also forms harmonious aspects with Mercury and Neptune – revealing energies we can lean into. The grand trine between Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces speaks to the power (Mars) of your mind (Mercury) to transform unconscious patterns (Neptune).
Mercury in Scorpio, supported by Mars, has tremendous focusing power to work some serious magic. This New Moon wants you to direct your attention toward your dreams and ideals, the more beautiful world you want to create, rather than getting sucked into polarizing arguments and media distractions. Mercury also forms a supportive sextile with Pluto, amplifying the potential for empowering your mind and alchemizing old, self-sabotaging thought patterns.
Here in the US, the pre-(s)election hype-fest is going full force this next week, and it can be easy to get spun out in the collective storm, to feel freaked-out and helpless in the face of world insanity. As long as your attention is “out there,” as long as you allow your mind to be hijacked by someone else’s version of reality, you’re missing the true seat of your power - your power to create the world you want to live in, from the inside out.
Scorpio is associated with the old idea that what is hidden is most powerful. Scorpio is also associated with secrets, and in my opinion, the biggest secret is how much power exists within each one of us. This New Moon says - it’s time to recognize, own and use your power.
For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 9° Scorpio.
The areas of life signified by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a rebirth, and where you’re invited to:
uncover what you really want by dropping out of your stories and into the depth of your feelings;
know your power as a creator and focus your attention on what you want to create;
shed what you’ve outgrown to make space for a new beginning;
take the risk of trusting and acting on your instincts.
I go into all the Virgoan details about how to work with these kick-ass planetary energies in my 54-minute New Moon transmission, available to paid subscribers on Substack. You can gain immediate access to the recording, and all future New & Full Moon recordings, by becoming a paid subscriber ($16/month or $155/year). Founding subscribers ($185/year) can also join me for a quarterly livestream, and receive my Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!